Wednesday, September 1, 2010

falling back...

aaaaaaa, the Gruppetto.

i came to a finish. i usually push on but this time i was falling back to the Autobus.  after a wrong turn i came up behind the gruppetto, i know a couple of them, so i was gonna enjoy the ride and relax. upon my joining Kieth said something in the nature that the "winers" are out.  i really don't care about much(family, friend, work......) so sure enough when i rotated to the front, one rider shouts, "see, he goes steady, not fast", i said nothing. 6 minutes later he said, "oh don't pay any attention to us old farts." anyways, getting attacked by the gruppetto was kinda fun, i did nothing but ride my usual pace up till the last 5 miles, trying to finish strong, looking back there's two gruppetto's on my wheel...the one who shouted at me and another older guy. so I push the pace, the last 2 miles, i rotate back, shouter does work and he's done, old man gets in front and goes for it...i relax and let him pull then go by him on the last little hill but i slow at the top, he stays full gas to the parking lot.  ATTACKED BY THE GRUPPETTO. the ride started out awefull but finished gracefully. much respect to all the Gruppetto's around the world.

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